

Overview, from the virtual model.

Overview, from the virtual model.

River view with boat, from the virtual model.

River view with boat, from the virtual model.

The fortress at Buhen re-rendered by VIZIN from the original models; © 2010 Institute for the Visualization of History

The fortress at Buhen re-rendered by VIZIN from the original models;
©2010 Institute for the Visualization of History

click on the images to enlarge

The Fortress at BuhenThe Fortress at Buhen as modeled and rendered by Bill Riseman, with archaeological data and interpretation provided by Peter der Manuelian, Timothy Kendall, and Donald H. Sanders.
©1994 Bill Riseman  ©1999 Learning Sites, Inc.

The fortress at Buhen The Fortress at Buhen as modeled and rendered by Bill Riseman
©1994 Bill Riseman ©1999 Learning Sites, Inc.

Page Created: December 5, 2004
Page Updated: August 16, 2010
Page Author: The Institute for the Visualization of History