Actium, Greece


click on images to enlarge
Overhead view comparing the size of the new Socket 4 ram with that of the smaller Athlit ram on the right (from the Institute's virtual reality model of the site).

Overhead view comparing the size of the new Socket 4 ram with that of the smaller Athlit ram on the right (from the Institute's virtual reality model of the site).

Model of Octavian's monument commemorating his naval victory over Antony and Cleopatra

Model of Octavian's monument commemorating his naval victory over Antony and Cleopatra -- the last major naval battle of the ancient world. New excavations and virtual reality modeling of the scuttled ships' ramming prows that adorned the front of the monument have provided new insight into this unique complex.
(from the Institute's virtual re-creation).

Work In Progress

Socket 4 at Actium

Socket 4 at Actium; the inner and outer profiles of the cutting and the rounded upper part of the socket were key elements for determining the shape of the ram that went here
(photo courtesy of William M. Murray)

The Institute's preliminary modeling of Socket 4, Actium

The Institute's preliminary modeling of Socket 4, Actium, based on photos and dimensions
of the cuttings.

Interactive & Animations

watch the 3D model rotation


Requires the Cortona3D Viewer (PC) - learn more about VRML and the plugins


VRML Actium RamVirtual reality model of the ram that may once have fit into Socket #4 at the monument at Actium, developed by VIZIN based on the form of the Athlit ram and data for the socket provided by William M. Murray.
© 2004 Institute for the Visualization of History, Inc.

click to load the VRML Actium ram

Page Created: October 5, 2004
Page Updated: October 7, 2009
Page Author: The Institute for the Visualization of History